Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is the original story of the birds and the bees?

I know it has something to do with sex, but what do birds and bees have to do with it?What is the original story of the birds and the bees?
Its about Acient times. Girls were the Birds( laid the eggs which means had the baby )and the men were the bees( polinated the flowers 'the women';) That is your answer!What is the original story of the birds and the bees?
Ask your dad still hasen't given me the speech.
good question. been wondering myself. i don't see the connection. we don't do birds and bees in this house. we speak the truth. it's just easier and less confusion.
Ah.Now we come to the heart of your problem. No, indeed, the bee is not having sex with the bird. Or vice (pardon the pun) versa. The bees are happily doing it within their own species. Likewise the birds (singing for a reason) are breeding with their own. The phrase ';birds and bees'; is a way of communicating common, visible examples of sexual activity to illuminate the idea that all living creatures breed and propagate. The example (or synecdoche, if you will) is a means of illustrating this truth to children, or Republicans, who might not grasp it otherwise.
I think it means intercourse

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