go on ';www.coasttocoast.com';,and then pick ';ART BELL';and youll have ';BEES MISSING ';prompt.it has all the answeres.i just found itIt's the vanishing of bees caused for the polen of transgenic plants?
Very intersting the points you make. But grammar talking a strong suit not.
I heard that the bees are unable to get food because the amount of UV sunlight has changed and they are unable to see properly so they are starving
We will all have to adjust what we eat. And when we run out, we suffer. Nothing we can do to change this. It's in Mother Natures hands now. And I wish her luck.
The last I heard was tha some farmers were using a systemic fertilizer or pesticide that the bees got from the nectar. It didn't kill the bee but loused up its ability to navigate and it couldn't find its way home so of course it died. I have NEVER heard that it had anything to do with the seeds, no matter how it was developed.
Any causes are certainly speculation at this point. It will probably take years to find a specific cause.
What we do know is that the remaining bees in these colonies are usually infected with several different viruses %26amp; parasites. We also know that neighboring hives will NOT enter affected hives, which show that healthy bees seem to be repelled from what's in the affected hives.
I have heard a theory that it is due to the proliferation of cell phone usage.
I live in South Florida and have been connected with the citrus industry for many years. I pray you are wrong - fear you are right. However, the crops are rotated and bees fly only a certain number of miles. Even when there have been no fields nearby where transgenic seeds were used we have had problems - Our orange grove is surroundedby fields of sugar cane and we are centered on l0,000 acres that is either orange grove or sugar cane - and we are at the edge of the everglades. But Most of the world's problems are man-made in my opinion why should this one be any different. -k-
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