Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to drive out bees from the bee hive in your garden?

call a local bee keeper(apiarist), it might be a lost hive or the bee keeper might be interested in capturing it, all ';wild'; bees are from domestic stock, but domestic hives divide(swarm) and get lost.

Yellow pages, might be under bees, beekeepers, apiaries. Worth chancing a phone call or two, beats getting all stung up trying it yourself if you do not know what you are doing, otherwise call an exterminator. some people are allergic to bee stings and can die if they get stung but most people it just hurts and swells a little.How to drive out bees from the bee hive in your garden?
First of all, you should try to call professional help if possible. If not possible, then have a fly swatter, petrol (gasoline) mixed with some moter oil for stickiness, a cigarette lighter, and a working water hose. Put gasoline mixture on the hive. Light the hive. Then spray the remains of the hive with the water hose to try and catch as many bees as possible. If something is still burning, throw lots of dirt on it. If bees come to you in a close combat situation, swat them. If you cannot eliminate them all and they chase you, make sure to escape to a segregated environment, such as a closed shelter. Rinse yourself and repeat the petrol burning when they seem to go away. Make sure not to burn your place up. I hope I helped my friendHow to drive out bees from the bee hive in your garden?
You can spray the hive with water to stop the bees from protecting their home while you remove it. This is a job best suited to two people, one to keep the water spraying while the other destroys the hive. If you are allergic call a professional.
You have to find the queen and get it out on a stick and the others bee will follow the queen.
wait untill evening when most all of them are in there for the night and spray a good poison on them.

Saturate the nest and that should kill them off.
wear some body protection and just keep on poking the hive with your favorite stick. I think you can also start a fire under the hive to smoke the bees out
I would highly recommend using a foaming bee spray. You can find it at most hordware stores (and I bet Wal-Mart carries it too). It works well because you can spray into the entrance of the hive and it foams up and prevents bees from attacking you.

I have used this product to remove many hives, and I've never been stung while using it.

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