home schooled kids can get their speech later than public school kids. my nephew is home schooled and got his at age 9. which is young to me but with the state of the world these days it is no wonder since morals seem to be slowly disappearing. i would hope you are planning on giving the speech!
sad that parents let young kids roam freely on the computer even though they are aware of the astounding number of child predators online. young kids have no business online unless a parent is in the same room and PAYING ATTENTION!Do parents still give the ';Birds and Bees'; speech still?
鈾o, we found out by our friends and watching Maury duh
My 5 years old son ask me this once, all I said is you came from your mom, that's not beyond his comprehension right?
Gosh, I sure hope so! No matter what info is around, it's best to get the correct information from your caring parents.
if your kid watches pg/pg 13 or R and has lots of friends and is aware of whats going on in the world then he/she doesn't really need the speech i think the cooperate age would be in the 7th or 8th grade. :)
no - there shocked by primary school sex ed stuff handed out. once they have seen that they wont.
i found out in 4th grade and so did all my siblings, i have 4.
but our parents still gave us the birdsand the bees talk which is embarrassing because we already know it and we don't want to tell you we do.
well if they don't know in 4th grade yu should tell them in 5th
if parents answered their child's questions truthfully from the first where do babies come from by the time they are preteens they will know the basics. My 12 yr old knows about STD's and condoms he knows how a person gets pregnant. My 8 yr old know how babies are born
He knows that if you do not want to have a baby you should not have sex but does not knowwhat sex is. When and if he asks I will tell him . My kids and I talk about these things just like we may talk about the up coming presidental election. As long as you do not make a big deal of the subject making it seem taboo then kids are more likely to ask you their question rather than try to get information(often wrong ) from their friends
I doubt that most parent ever did- some did and always will but I dont think it is the majority- we all learn from older peers and it has probably been that way since day one
Most of my friends new about sex in Kindergarten which is when we all found our first playboy magazine hidden in a shed at our kindergarten- we new about penatration, and all the parts but like most kids back then, we didnt talk about it much until Jr High
Yes, and this will continue till the end of time.
My kids are teenagers so I have just gone through this.
I know they get a lot of information from friends and on the internet, but I want to be sure they have accurate information as well as know my opinion on the subject.
I never did a ';speech'; but I talked about it to them whenever it seemed appropriate. I started when they were about 10. They are now 15 and 17 and know everything they need to know. I knew my job was done when they started to say ';I KNOW, Mom--of course you can get pregnant the first time.';
I never got it, and I wouldn't know how to give it. I just dole out information as needed, as appropriate, all the time. You know what I mean? As it comes up, we talk about it.
I'm trying to prevent her from having to get that information from others, as you described.
personally, i believe that it should be being taught from a young age if you teach them from a young age, not to be ashamed of sex but be responsible about it, you're better off, don't wait till they're 16 chances are they're already havin sex
never heard such a speech.I guess my folks never thought I was so stupid.
i found out in 5th grade, that was 2001. i was 10.
innocence left me then, now that i think about it, its pretty sad, but its the way the worlds going now, everything just gets passed down to the younger sooner, through the magazines and media, forcing us to become who they want everyone to be.
no, i have never gotten that speech and im 15. I just learned from my friends and the internet.
yeah. but odds are they already know about it. ask them if they know what it is and if they do ask them if they have any questions about it. If they dont explain it. I would also tell them about it at the age 11 or so. when ever you think there ready. Be sure to tell them the good and the bad
ha my parents never talked to me about that stuff im 16... idk if that talk is still around but i think a kid should have that talk before entering middle school..like around 5th grade...because once kids get near older kids in the same school they learn all that stuff and wanna try new things that the older people are doing..not me though :)
yes, but sadly kids learn it from their friends or watching porn.
kids are learning this stuff way before you even think of talking to them the best method is talking to them in as unweird a way as you can and finding out what they know and then getting rid of any myths they make have come across.
I gave my daughter the birds and bee's speech at 10 yrs old and it's a good i did really because she started her periods 6 mths later 3 mths after she turned 11 so she new wot was happening
I believe parents don't give that talk any more because kids are so exposed to it in school and the media, school teaches them protection and all that stuff. So there usually aware of that stuff by the time there 12 or 13
if you still want to give th talk, 13 is a good age.
No my parents just know that we already know about and to get us to not bother them say kids were gonna do it so dont come by our door.
my parents didnt use this speech but my High School still uses it to this very day, students aged 13+
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