Saturday, December 5, 2009

Can you name the song with lyrics about blooming honeysuckles, wandering bees, honeydews, and flowery perfumes?

The song that you describe is probably ';The Honeysuckle and the Bee'; from the movie ';Broadway to Hollywood'; (1933). The music (melody) was written by William H. Penn (as Wm. H. Penn), and the lyrics were penned by Albert H. Fitz (as Alb. H. Fitz) in 1901. It was performed (recorded) by Arthur Collins (1901); Harry Macdonough (1901); Ben Albert (1901); Robert Price (1902); Julie Andrews (1962), Ian Whitcomb %26amp; His Bungalow Boys (1991); and Jane Arden, Diana Palmerston %26amp; John Asquith (1995). It was also recorded by Belle Davies %26amp; The Piccaninnies; Georgia Brown; Tessie O'Shea; The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra; William Flynn %26amp; His Old Time Dance Music; and Patricia Hammond.

The lyrics are:

On a summer afternoon,

Where the honeysuckles bloom,

When all nature seemed at rest.

‘Neath a little rustic bower,

Mid the perfume of the flower,

A maiden sat with one she loved the best.

As they sang the songs of love,

From the arbour just above,

Came a bee which lit upon the vine;

As it sipped the honey-dew,

They both vowed they would be true,

Then he whispered to her words she thought divine.

You are my honey, honeysuckle,

I am the bee,

I’d like to sip the honey sweet

From those red lips, you see

I love you dearly, dearly,

And I want you to love me,

You are my honey, honeysuckle,

I am the bee.

So beneath that sky so blue,

These two lovers fond and true,

With their hearts so filled with bliss,

As they sat there side by side,

He asked her to be his bride,

She answered “Yes” and sealed it with a kiss.

For her heart had yielded soon,

‘Neath the honeysuckle bloom,

And thro’ life they’d wander day by day.

And he vowed just like the bee,

“I will build a home for thee,”

And the bee then seemed to answer them and say:

You are my honey, honeysuckle,

I am the bee,

I’d like to sip the honey sweet

From those red lips, you see

I love you dearly, dearly,

And I want you to love me,

You are my honey, honeysuckle,

I am the bee.
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